1.    Proportion of extensions of time approved for minor and others

2.    Planning decisions refused as a percentage of all applications determined

3.    The number of building commencements

4.    Loss of commercial uses from Use Class E to residential through Permitted Development Rights (PDR).

5.    Annual average daily traffic counts on key routes into the city - Outer routes

6.    Annual daily average cycle count

7.    The number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic incidents

8.    The number of people suffering slight injuries in road traffic incidents in the calendar year

9.    % of principal roads requiring structural maintenance

10. % of non principal roads requiring structural maintenance

11. Overall user satisfaction score with highways & transport

12. Satisfaction score with the local bus service

13. Satisfaction score with the condition of pavements & footpaths

14. Satisfaction score with the condition of cycle routes and facilities

15. Satisfaction score with the condition of road surfaces

16. Carbon dioxide emissions in the local area (attributed to transport)

17. Nitrogen Dioxide levels in Brighton and Hove (µg/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter) Rottingdean

18. P&D PI 2 - Office Utilisation: m2 of gross internal floor area (GIA) per FTE employee

19. P&D PI 3 - Property Suitability: % of properties assessed as 'Good' or 'Satisfactory' for suitability

20. P&D PI 4 - Property Condition: Required maintenance total

21. P&D PI 5: Greenhouse Gas Footprint: % change in the total CO2 emissions for all corporate activities

22. P&D PI 6 - Project Cost Predictability: % of projects completing within budget

23. P&D PI 7A - % of customers finding the standard of our service to be 'very good' or 'fairly good'

24. P&D PI 7B - % of customers finding our services 'very easy' or 'fairly easy' to access

25. % of municipal waste landfilled (3 month lag)

26. % of people who strongly agree or tend to agree that the council is good at keeping your street clean? (City Tracker)

27. % of people who strongly agree or tend to agree that the council is good at collecting your refuse? (City Tracker)

28. % of people who strongly agree or tend to agree that the council is good at collecting your recycling? (City Tracker)

29. % of people satisfied or very satisfied with the city's parks and open spaces (City Tracker)

30. Number of adults participating in community engagement projects

31. Sports Facilities: Total attendance

32. Seafront: Property Portfolio Income

33. Outdoor Events: Income Target

34. Visit Brighton: Estimated economic impact generated in the city (millions)

35. AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) of press coverage generated by VisitBrighton

36. No of delegate bednights delivered in year by conferences confirmed by T&V conference team

37. Annual average achieved REVPAR for Brighton hotels (average price per available room that hotels achieve net of VAT)

38. EEC DMT KPIs to be developed to measure RP&M Trust



39. % of council-run childcare providers rated good or outstanding by Ofsted

40. % of early years registered childcare providers are judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted

41. % of children achieving a Good Level of Development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage

42. % of pupils that studied at state-funded schools in Brighton and Hove at age 15 that achieved level 2 by age 19

43. % of pupils that studied at state-funded schools in Brighton and Hove at age 15 that achieved level 3 by age 19

44. % of eligible two year olds taking up early education places

45. Number of pupils permanently excluded from state schools

46. Number of fixed term exclusions in primary and secondary schools

47. Number of pupils educated at home

48. Number of pupils educated otherwise than at school

49. Number of school age pupils known to be missing education

50. % of pupils in Brighton and Hove state funded schools (Years 7-11) reporting that they have been bullied this term

51. Child Poverty: Children and young people (0-18) in out-of-work families (includes families claiming Universal Credit)

52. Number of families identified as part of the Supporting Families programme who achieve successful outcomes

53. The combined figure for the percentage of young people aged 16 – 17 who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and the percentage of those whose NEET status is not known  [Quarterly YTD excluding September and October]

54. Number of first time entrants (FTE) to the youth justice system

55. % of re-referrals to Children's Social Care Front Door for Families

56. Strategy Meetings to ICPC (Initial Child Protection Conference)  - % achieved in 15 days

57. Number of children who were the subject of a child protection plan

58. Number of weeks taken to complete care proceedings (Rolling year average)

59. % of children missing in the quarter who had a return interview

60. % of former relevant young people (care leavers) aged 19, 20 and 21 who were in education, employment or training

61. % of children in care receiving a timely health check assessment

62. % of children in care receiving a timely dental check assessment

63. % of children placed in foster care that are placed in-house

64. % of EHC Plans issued within 20 weeks excluding exceptions

65. Number of court disposals resulting in a custodial sentences

66. Percentage of young offenders who re-offend

67. % of people with a learning disability in settled accommodation

68. Number of children in residential placements

69. % of young people with a learning disability turning 18 with a transition assessment in place

70. Adults with learning disabilities in specialist hospital settings (CCG Funded Placements) - less than 10 inpatient stays in specialist hospital at any one time.

71. The % of adults learning disability regulated services judged good or outstanding (Ofsted/CQC)

72. The % of childrens learning disability regulated services judged good or outstanding (Ofsted/CQC)

73. Number of Fixed Term Exclusions for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN including school assessed and with EHCPs/Statements)

74. The percentage of children and young people exiting a Schools Wellbeing Service Intervention that are referred on to a non-designated pathway to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)



75. % of invoices from SME (Small or Medium Enterprises) and individuals that are paid within 10 working days of receipt

76. Compliance with Contract Standing Orders (>£75k Third Party Spend)

77. % of non-domestic rates collected monthly

78. % of council tax collected monthly

79. Payroll accuracy



80. % of people who approach the council for help who have their needs met without the need for ongoing formal care provision

81. Permanent admissions of younger adults to residential and nursing care homes per 100,000 population

82. Number of new permanent care home placements directly from hospital (actual number)

83. % of high cost packages

84. % of people receiving continuous services over 12 months who receive a review

85. % of people achieving identified safeguarding outcomes

86. % of people with a mental health condition in employment

87. % of people with a mental health condition in settled accommodation

88. % of older people receiving reablement services after hospital discharge

89. Delaying and reducing the need for care and support; outcome of short-term services


90. Housing Repairs and Maintenance - Average time to complete repairs

91. Housing Repairs and Maintenance - Satisfaction

92. Average length of time waiting for completed major adaptations from Occupational Therapy (OT) recommendations to Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) approval (weeks)

93. Average length of time waiting for completed Council major adaptations (OT recommendation to start of work) (weeks)

94. The number of households where homelessness was prevented due to casework by the council and partner agencies

95. Total rent collection for short term/emergency accommodation (Temporary Accommodation)

96. % of rent collected for Leased Properties (TAGF)

97. % of rent collected for Seaside properties



98. SGL has no DMT level KPIs